Sarah Dawn
Massage Therapy
Holistic Swedish Massage

Induces deep relaxation
Releases and heals stress
Allow the body to feel refreshed
and renewed
Aids the circulation of blood and lymph
bringing nutrition and
removing unwanted waste products
Encourages healthy muscles
Benefits of
Holistic Swedish Massage
For an appointment
Please call
0793 171 2830
A Swedish Massage treatment is an opportunity for you to take some time-out for yourself to relax, unwind, and feel looked after.
The strokes are soothing and relieving for tense aching muscles.
A variation of techniques, such as longitudinal strokes and kneading strokes are given at a pressure of your personal preference.
You may wish to have a full body treatment, or have more focus on specific areas of your choice such as your neck and shoulders,
or your back for example.