Sarah Dawn
Massage Therapy
Sports massage is essential for anyone involved in sports activity,
be it recreational running or professional sports. The muscles are put under extra stress during the activity, and it is essential to maintain their health and monitor any tension that may be building up unnoticed . Sports massage both aids injury prevention and helps recovery of injury.
Sports massage is effective in increasing the quality and quantity of your training and performance.
It assists the recovery of the entire body in between sessions and encourages healthy muscles.
Through regular sports massage treatment, potential problems that may be building up unnoticed can be detected, and in this way the treatment aids injury prevention.
The recovery of sports injuries is speeded up by encouraging the local blood supply that brings nutrition and removes unwanted waste products.
The deeper techniques in a sports massage help breakdown fibrous tissues that may have developed following an injury.This fibrous tissue can restrict your range of movement and cause pain.
Sports massage techniques enable the muscles to be stretched in all directions, not limited by range of movement as in active stretching. This can improve flexibility and improve your sports techniques.
By receiving regular sports massage, your awareness of your body will improve, allowing you to adapt your training sessions if needed.
Stretching regularly at home is essential. Advice and specific exercises may be offered along side the treatment where appropriate.
Sports Massage
For an appointment
please call
0793 171 2830
What to expect from Sports Massage
A sports massage treatment focuses on the specific muscles involved in your sport.
A treatment may include active or assisted stretches and deep pressure along side Swedish massage techniques. Some of the following techniques may be used, as appropriate.
Muscle Energy Technique
Muscle energy technique combines active contraction with stretching. It is especially helpful in realising tight muscles and improving range of movement.
Neuromuscular Technique
By applying focused, gradual, deep pressure to adhesions, ('knots') the reflex patterns of habitually and unconsciously holding tension in this area are broken. Neuromuscular technique re-educates the nervous system, releasing tension and bringing relaxation to these areas.
Soft Tissue Release
Soft tissue release technique helps release tight muscles by combining deep pressure with active or assisted stretches. It is very effective in helping breakdown adhesions that may have built up overtime from overuse, or may be the result of an old injury. Adhesions (or knots) can result in restricted range of movement.
Stretching regularly at home, pre and post sports exercise is essential. Advice and specific exercises are offered along side the treatment when appropriate.