Sarah Dawn
Massage Therapy
Pregnancy Massage

Pre-natal massage is an opportunity for you to really relax,
feel looked after, and connect with your growing baby. Pregnancy massage helps support you and all the new changes that may occur, helping you to settle into and enjoy your pregnancy.
Stress levels are reduced and any specific aches, pains and conditions can be addressed.
Quality of sleep is improved allowing you to feel rejuvenated. As you relax and feel nurtured, your growing baby also benefits from your well-being.
What to expect from a Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage can be given throughout the three trimesters and during the post-natal period.
By about the 16th week, a massage treatment will be given in a side-lying position, as lying on your back can lead to a drop in blood pressure caused by pressure from your uterus on the main blood vessels. This can lead to dizziness and nausea. If preferred, part of your treatment can be given in a supported semi-reclining position.
The treatment is sensitively given and tailor-made to your specific needs. It may include application of pressure points and meridians to help support and balance the flow of energy throughout your body, and to your baby. This can help ease conditions such a nausea.
The treatment may include a brief guided relaxation and guided breathing.
Posture is also addressed and exercise advice given to support your changing body, and prepare your body for birth and the postnatal period.
A soothing abdominal massage may be included during the second and third trimesters.
Partner sessions are also available to guide your partner in massage techniques to help support you and your pregnancy.