Sarah Dawn
Massage Therapy
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage helps ease aches and pains that may be due to overuse of muscles in sports, occupation or posture. Slow deep strokes using forearms, elbows and knuckles are given along side Swedish massage strokes to ease into the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. The deep pressure helps release deep held tension in the muscle and encourages local blood supply bringing healing nutrition and removing unwanted waste products.
The emphasis of the treatment is on addressing the cause of concern aswell as the symptoms.
Pressure is always in accordance with your personal preference and tolerance levels.
What to expect
from a Deep Tissue Massage
Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage can help loosen adhesions ('knots') that may be causing pain, stiffness and restricting your range of movement. The deep strokes help break down this fibrous tissue, restoring healthy functioning of muscles.
The muscles are mobilised, helping release tightness and tension and so aiding relaxation.
Deep tissue massage is also useful for injury prevention by detection and releasing unnoticed areas of tension that may lead to injury, and preventing further formation of adhesions .