Sarah Dawn
Massage Therapy
Corporate Massage
Employees are among the greatest assets of any business and their health and wellbeing should not be overlooked.
Health related absence from work has lead to an estimated £29 billion loss to organisations throughout the UK.
According to the Office of National Statistics, the greatest number of working days have been lost due to musculoskeletal problems such as back, neck and shoulder pain. The figure equates 30.6 million days lost each year, representing nearly a quarter of all absences from work in the UK.
This is more than the number of days taken off for colds.
The same report stated that almost 12% of all work absences, 15.2 million days, were taken off work due to mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression.

The Health and Safety Executive states that 9.9 million working days are lost because of work-related stress. This accounts for 35% of all work-related illness, with an average of 23 days lost per individual case.
Similarly an estimated 9.5 million working days are lost because of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. (WRMSD's) with an average of 17 days lost per case.
WRMSD'S account for 40% of all work-related ill health in 2014/15.
The pressure of balancing work, family life, commute and longer working hours contributes to elevated stress levels and fatigue. Long periods sitting at a desk or standing takes its toll on the body leading to poor posture which results in stiffness, aches and pains in the muscles and joints. The body tries to compensate for discomfort and muscle weakness, leading to muscle imbalance and a more complex injury pattern.
Massage treatment given in the workplace not only reduces the likelihood of WRMSD'S but also reduces stress levels, increases well being, helps the employee feel well supported in their work, and creates a positive working environment.
We offer the following 15, 30, 45, and 60 minute treatments in your work place, depending on your preference and the treatment chosen.
Indian Head massage
A wonderful de-stressing treatment that leaves you feeling relaxed & refreshed. Massage is given to the upper back, neck, shoulders, scalp and face, with gentle energy balancing to help refresh your whole energy system. This treatment is given fully dressed in a seated position, and lasts 30 or 45 minutes. Indian Head massage can also be given as a 15 minute neck shoulder and scalp massage.
Deep Tissue massage
Slow and deep strokes using forearms, elbows and knuckles are used along side Swedish massage strokes to ease into the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.The deep pressure is always in accordance with your personal preference. An ideal treatment for back neck and shoulder issues. This treatment is given on a massage couch using oil and lasts 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Deep Tissue massage can also be be given as a 15 minute neck and shoulder massage.
Relaxing Swedish massage
An opportunity for you to take some time-out for yourself to relax, unwind and feel looked after.
You may wish to have a full body treatment, or have more focus on specific areas of your choice, such as your back. This treatment is given on a massage couch using oil and lasts 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Swedish massage can also be be given as a 15 minute neck and shoulder massage.
Reflexology is a deeply relaxing treatment with therapeutic benefits. Specific areas of the feet are reflex points to all organs and structures of the body. By stimulating these reflex areas, healing is stimulated in the corresponding parts of the body. This treatment is given fully dressed in a seated position, and lasts 30, 45 or 60 minutes.
Remedial /Sports massage
Remedial massage is effective in aiding the recovery of soft tissue injuries or aches and pains that may be a result of trauma, posture, or repetitive use in occupation or sports. The emphasis is on the cause of the concern rather than just the symptoms An ideal treatment for back neck and shoulder issues. A longer treatment session included postural assessment and advice on remedial exercise. This treatment is given on a massage couch using oil and lasts 30, 45, or 60 minutes.